Home » 2016 Fall » Student Expectations; CUNY Remediation Changes; Biology Supplements

Student Expectations; CUNY Remediation Changes; Biology Supplements


  • Steven G. Krantz, How to Teach Mathematics, Chapters 4-6


  • Daniel, Kristin, Tian


  • Students being surprised at learning any new skill in a college math class (after many years of algebra review). Complaints/grievances.
  • Students being accustomed to scaling/extra credit to make sure they pass (instead of rigorous standards & hard work). History of K-12, etc.
  • Major CUNY changes to placement, remediation, low-level courses, and high-level prerequisite accounting (i.e., eliminate high-level courses in STEM majors?).
  • Likely very few M2 courses in future (only for STEM students who do not pass elementary algebra placement). New non-algebra course for non-STEM majors (majority of clientele). For M2, CUNY uniform final exam will not require passing grade (same for English writing test).
  • Begs question: Will placement tests still be given? Will uniform final still be given, or eliminated?
  • Biology department offers 1-2 credit math supplements linked to sections of non-major biology (e.g., BIO 33). Custom workbook.
  • Students pt-in, scattered through other sections.
  • Majors are given a 4-day workshop in math before the semester begins (grant-funded; supplies food, mentors, core textbook at end).
  • Pre- and post-surveys.
  • Referring students with prerequisite deficiencies to consultations in office hours, and/or the math workshop.
  • Are all freshmen now in learning communities?
  • Can we get a supplement section to prerequisite skills for math courses?


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